Melissa Brandao - Figure Competitor | BioX Nutrition

Melissa Brandao

Organizations: Canadian Physique Alliance (CPA)
Type of Athlete: Figure Competitor (Amateur Level)
Melissa Brandao

I grew up in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. I have always been athletic, being active, and I am always up for challenges! I played all sports but soccer was always my favourite. In my adult years I had found my passion for going to the gym.  After a few years of being consistent with lifting, I then decided to compete in my very first show as a figure competitor. I fell in love with the whole experience! I feel like every show that I’ve competed in has allowed me to learn something new and to feel so grateful for the experiences. This only allowed myself to strive for better! I love everything about the figure category. My passion for lifting has always been something that keeps me happy and motivated to always do better. I’m always ready to set goals and crush them!