Louis Noel Bodybuilding Competitor | BioX Nutrition

Louis Noel

Organizations: World Natural Bodybuilding Federation (WNBF)
International Drug Free Athletics (IDFA)
International Pro Elite (IPE)
Natural Physique & Athletics Association (NPAA)
Type of Athlete: Bodybuilding Competitor (Professional)
Classic Physique Competitor (Professional)

My fitness journey began almost 2 decades ago when I committed to losing weight. Post college I found myself to be quite unhealthy and I set out to lose 75lbs. From there I made the next step and started hitting the stage.

I have been competing in natural bodybuilding since 2006. I am also a fitness and nutrition coach, which I find helps keep me accountable with my training and diet. Helping people achieve their goals always feels like a major win for me.

So far I have competed in 20 shows and have been able to squeeze out some pretty good placings. Of course, I am always looking to improve.

I am blessed to be so deeply immersed in a lifestyle and culture I enjoy. No matter how many weights lifted, and protein shakes consumed, I never lose my love for it.